Marjorie Keighran is a Garrwa woman. This print depicts landscape typical of Garrwa country in the Gulf of Carpentaria, which begins at the Wearyan River in the west, extends eastwards through the Foelsche, Calvert and Robinson Rivers, and ends just over the Queensland boarder. The Garrwa people pride themselves on their on their long, rich history working in the cattle industry and Marjorie’s depictions of goats in her artworks reflect this tradition. In her youth, Marjorie would look after herds of goats which were used for both their milk and meat. This was common work for women, while men worked the cattle. Marjorie also sings a kurija (women’s fun song) about moving the goats from one location to another.
Copyright for both painting and text remains with the artist and Waralungku Arts and may not be reproduced without permission.