Banduk is the youngest daughter of the great Mawalan and sister to Wandjuk, Bayngul and Dhuwarrwarr. She lived and worked in Sydney from 1980-88 then returned to Yirrkala to be manager of Buku-Larrnggay Arts and Museum. In 1984 she was Artist-in-Residence at Canberra School of Art, and in 1986, Artist-in-Residence at Flinders University, S.A. Banduk has acted on the board of the National Gallery of Australia and the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory. She has participated with the Australia Council. The local and affective landcare organisation of the Mawalan Gamarrwa Nuwul Association is run by her in Yirrkala were she is also a councilor for the Yirrkala Dhanbul Community Association.