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  • Title: Kai Ha’ (Four Hooks)
  • Artist: Robert Koroh
  • Region: Amarasi, West Timor
  • Art Centre: Sanggar Uim Nima
  • Medium: Copper Engraving
  • Collection: Ta Teut Amarasi
  • Dimensions: 17 x 17 cm
  • Edition Size: 20
  • Price ($AUD): $ 195.00

Artwork Story

KAI HA’ motif is an original Amarasi motif which represents four hooks (which appear as 8 hooks in the motif which is a mirror image of the 4 hooks). Four cardinal points representing north, south, east and west are depicted along with a fifth central point indicative of the royal centre of the kingdom also known as ‘the seat of power’. This motif was traditionally worn by commoners of the Amarasi Kingdom. East Timur (I) Neon Sae (D) Place where the sun rises North Utara (I) Po Nain (D) Door of entry South Selatan (I) Ha Nua (D) House that faces south West Barat (I) Neon Tes (D) Place where sun sets. Note: There is a belief in Amarasi that a house near the ocean must face south and a house on the mountain must face west

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